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Improper operation of fuses may cause equipment malfunctions


Fuses occasionally malfunction, so what is the cause of the malfunction? In addition to their own problems, human factors also have a significant impact. Let's take a look at the human factors that affect the failure of fuses.

A fuse is an electrical protection device commonly used to prevent electrical accidents caused by circuit overload and short circuits. However, in practical applications, fuses may also malfunction, some of which are caused by human factors of the user. The following are some human factors that may cause fuse failures

Connection error: Connecting the fuse to the wrong circuit or connecting it in the wrong sequence may cause the fuse to disconnect prematurely or not occur, resulting in the circuit being unprotected.

Rated current mismatch: The selected fuse's rated current does not meet the actual requirements, and exceeding the rated current of the fuse can also cause premature disconnection of the fuse.

Overuse: Although fuses can be reused, long-term overuse can cause fuse aging and damage, leading to fuse failure.

If the fuse malfunctions, it needs to be replaced in a timely manner. When replacing a fuse, a fuse that meets the rated current of the circuit should be selected and connected in the correct wiring method. If the fault still exists, further investigation is needed to determine if it is a fault of the circuit itself.

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